I have always found a single statement to be difficult in summing up an artist's journey or current state of being. I believe my artistic vision has changed in complexity and focus over the years. However the single most prevalent force is my desire to sculpt everything that takes my mind away. Those feelings evoked by a moment or an idea that grips me so tightly that I must create it physically to realize its impact on me to "re-live" it many times over. I have, as I do feel all artists do, explored all the materials and mediums available to find my minds voice and outlet of expression. These are many aspect of each material I am attracted to and others reviled upon.
But I find sculpture can embody many of the material traits that speak to me most. In my current works natural materials colliding in a single piece as though they were always meant to be, and NOT to be questioned as to their combination. The seamless merging of opposite textures and properties along with the intellectual content is what is driving me in this direction.

The driving force behind all of my artistic decisions today, how can I create, who I am, how I feel, what I see... and bring them to others. The materials and mediums I choose are a direct result of my reconnecting with the past to envision my own future.
I am an artist living in Northern Maine, USA. I have been creating art in many different mediums form most of my life. Thank you for visiting my site, Shannon King.